HUMANE Seminar Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol Friday 20 to Saturday 21 November, 2015 - Enhancing Research and Innovation in Universities

HUMANE is pleased to announce our next Seminar Enhancing Research and Innovation in Universities.

In this Seminar we will look at different approaches to support research and innovation in universities. The Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) will offer a unique setting to explore how young universities can build strong research and innovation agendas.  The following topics will be explored:

- How do universities transform their professional services to support new developments in research and innovation
- What are the implications of cross-organisational/cross-sectoral partnerships (e.g. universities working with industry) for university management
- What are the successful examples of regional engagement between multiple and diverse players
- What are the financial challenges for universities
- What are the consequences on the management of human resources
- New strategy engagement with the external environment

Participants will have ample opportunities to exchange ideas with the speakers and with colleagues, reflecting on their own situation. 
Speakers Announced (more will follow)
Elpida Keravnou  - Rector, Cyprus University of Technology, Board Member, European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) (CY)
Giuseppe Conti  - Head, Research and Knowledge Transfer Division, University of Bologna (IT)
Manel Jiménez Morales - Media and Research Specialist,  Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (ES)
Geert Jan Arends - Project Manager European Subsidies, Research & Valorisation Department, University of Groningen (NL)
Attila Pausits -  Centre for Educational Management and Higher Education Development, Danube University Krems (AT)

Download the Seminar Flyer
The flyer will be available shortly


Who Can Attend?

The HUMANE Seminar in Limassol is open to:
HUMANE Members
HUMANE Members
HUMANE Members can also attend with one or more colleagues
HUMANE Members can also send colleagues from their University
WSAN Members
Winter School Alumni can attend all HUMANE events
EFMD Members
Other Higher Education professionals may apply to attend

Seminar Fee
The Seminar Fee is € 495 . This includes lunch and dinner on Friday and Saturday and the social programme on Saturday afternoon.
Accompanying people and HUMANE Friends are charged at € 160, this includes lunch and dinner on Friday and Saturday and the social programme on Saturday afternoon.
Upon registration you will receive a confirmation letter and invoice. Please wait until you receive the invoice before arranging the payment.

Accommodation and Practical Information
WIll be sent to participants when available.

Provisional Seminar Schedule
Friday 20 November:
Registration and lunch from 12:00 / Seminar sessions 14:00 to 18:00 // HUMANE Seminar Dinner 20:00
Saturday 21 November:
Seminar sessions 09:00 to 13:00 / lunch / social programme then dinner

Social Programme
To be announced

Seminar Website
Information can be found

Please register online at:
online registration