HUMANE Webinar - Designing the student experience of tomorrow - 5 November

HUMANE autumn webinar programme
No way back: opportunities emerging in a post-Covid world


Designing the student experience of tomorrow:
three scenarios for a post-Covid world

Thursday 5th November 14.00–15.00 CET

We are pleased to announce that registrations are now open for this event, to be delivered in partnership with EAB. Registration is free and open to HUMANE members and residential school alumni.

The rapid impact of demographic ageing, and the application of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual and Augmented Realty and Big Data to new models of higher education pre-dated Covid, but the pandemic has accelerated consideration of these matters at a breakneck pace.

What will students’ experience of higher education look like in a world where life expectancy in Western Europe will increase to 100 years?; where embedded education technology will not be the exception, but the norm?; where the average shelf-life of knowledge imparted in a typical undergraduate degree programme will continue to decline, but more rapidly?; where the rates of participation in forms of higher education, will continue to grow?

Conducted in collaboration with our partner, EAB, our 5 November webinar will explore these and other questions through the lens of three potential scenarios. We’ll consider the big trends playing out on both sides of the pandemic, in a lively and engaging webinar format making liberal use of online collaboration tools.

Take a step into the future…and register now to secure your place!