EFMD-HUMANE Winter School for Senior Managers 2016 Edition Barcelona 6-11 March 2016 - Open for Applications
An exciting opportunity to gain new leadership and management skills
For the 14th Edition of the Winter School, the programme will include in-depth study of contrasting approaches being taken across Europe to internationalise and implement strategies for globalisation by higher education institutions.
Informed by leading experts in their field, we will look at the implications of such approaches for the professional and administrative services in HE; through practical group work participants will hone their leadership and management skills and better understand how to support transformation and change in their own institutions.
Work on the case studies will take place throughout the week. Participants will appraise the internationalisation strategies being adopted by the case study institutions and share experiences from their own universities. You will learn to assess both strategy formulation and execution, looking at the range of options that institutions can choose to reach organisational goals, assessing opportunities, challenges and institutional risks.
Your applicants will gain competence in exercising leadership, working across institutions in a multi-professional context to build collective support for A selected course of action. Core aspects of institutional management will be considered: strategy, performance, finance, marketing and communication and people, all equally critical for strategic implementation.
With leading experts in internationalisation and two successful examples of university internationalisation strategies (Nottingham University and Maastricht University), the 2016 Winter School will provide exciting opportunities to gain in-depth knowledge and experience to shape the future HE agenda.
The Winter School targets fast-rising senior university managers with real potential for future leadership and the capacity to become influential senior managers. The School is particularly valuable for managers whose careers have been in “specialist” areas and who might benefit from exposure to broader ideas. Applicants are nominated by their own heads of administration or their deans, and selected by an EFMD-HUMANE panel with wide experience of leadership management development programmes.
- Download the programme here
- Winter School leaflet available here
- Application
Applications are open until 31 October 2015.