HUMANE-EFMD Summer School - Transforming Higher Education Professional Services - Berlin, September 9 to 14

HUMANE - EFMD Summer School
2018 edition

Looking to develop the higher education leadership and management skills amongst your senior staff?

Following on from the highly successful 2017 edition, HUMANE and EFMD are launching the second edition of their Summer School “Transforming Higher Education Professional Services". Once again it will be hosted at iconic Freie University Berlin on September 9 - 14, 2018.

For more detailed information, visit our Summer School website and download the programme brochure.

The Summer School is run as an intensive residential programme for middle and senior managers directly involved in – or aspiring to be part of - a significant transformation programme.

The curriculum is designed as a dynamic, hands-on learning experience for leaders, with practical case-based teamwork enabling you to gain a thorough understanding of the different models and approaches which are critical to the decision-making and execution processes when leading and managing transformation programmes. And you'll be learning and working in a vibrant, multi-national team of university professionals from across Europe, as well as from countries further afield.

Don't miss this exciting opportunity to learn from leading experts and practitioners, and to enhance your professional networks! Now open for online applications.

Now open for online applications.

Please fill in the online application form, where applicants will be asked to submit:

  • A one-page statement describing the applicants interest and qualifications
  • A one- (or maximum two-) page curriculum vitae
  • A letter of support from the head of administration or the equivalent senior managers.

Apply here for the HUMANE-EFMD Summer School – Deadline: 15 May 2018

For further information contact the Schools Coordinator Cécilia Heidelberger, or visit the HUMANE website.