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HUMANE-EFMD Summer School - Transforming Higher Education Professional Services - Berlin, September 15-20, 2019

Looking to develop the higher education leadership and management skills amongst your senior staff?
HUMANE - EFMD Summer School
2019 edition

Applications are now open for the ever popular HUMANE and EFMD annual Summer SchoolTransforming Higher Education Professional Services". Once again it will be delivered at the iconic Freie University Berlin on September 15-20, 2019.

For more detailed information, visit our Summer School website.

Run as an intensive residential programme for middle and senior managers directly involved in – or aspiring to be part of - transformation programmes, the Summer School aims to deliver a game-changing learning experience for its participants.

The programme is designed as a dynamic, hands-on learning experience, with practical case-based teamwork a central feature of the programme design. You'll gain a thorough understanding of the different models and approaches which are critical to the decision-making and execution processes when leading and managing transformation programmes. And you'll be learning and working in a vibrant, multi-national team of university professionals from across Europe, as well as from countries further afield.

Don't miss this exciting opportunity to learn from leading experts and practitioners, and to enhance your international professional networks! Click here to read what past participants have to say about the Summer School.

The Summer School is now open for online applications.

Please complete the online application form, where applicants will be asked to submit:

  • A one-page statement describing their interests and background
  • A short curriculum vitae of no more than two pages
  • A letter of support from the head of administration or the equivalent senior managers.

Apply here for the HUMANE-EFMD Summer School – Deadline: 15 May 2019

For further information contact the Schools Coordinator Cécilia Heidelberger, or visit the HUMANE website.

Overcoming barriers to sustainability & social responsibility in higher education-The Sustainability Summit: Utrecht University Study Visit, 12-15 May

The Sustainability Summit: Utrecht University Study Visit
Utrecht University, May 12-15

Overcoming barriers to sustainability and social responsibility in higher education

The historic 2015 Paris Agreement building on the UN’s Convention on Climate Change was a turning point. It charts a new course in the global challenge to address climate change.

The Agreement also provided a much needed impetus for universities to demonstrate more visibly, the unique role that they can play in effecting lasting change in relation to climate change by virtue of their role as knowledge-intensive organisations.

In this second edition of the HUMANE-Utrecht University Study Visit, we will explore what different universities around the world are doing to achieving ‘change that sticks’ in implementing their sustainability and social responsibility strategies.

With contributions from university representatives from around Europe and further afield in Australia, student activists and others playing a leading role in managing the transition to a low carbon economy, participants will be engaged in an immersive, interactive and practical learning experience.

You’ll have the opportunity to discuss in detail both the successes and challenges of different institutional approaches to achieving genuine sustainability and widen your international networks for your own and your institution’s future development.

Our study visit is based at Utrecht University, an institution which has committed itself to making this journey. It is designed as an intensive, interactive programme over two and a half days, with participants arriving on the Sunday evening for an informal get-to-know-each-other dinner.

The programme has been designed to allow participants to learn about our host’s lessons learned as well as their successes; and for the hosts to learn from participants, particularly during the structured feedback sessions.

Register now to secure a place - this is a popular programme and places are now very limited, available on a first come first served basis. A waitlist will be available in case of cancellations.

From human resource management to talent management in 21st century universities - HUMANE Seminar - March 28-29 - University of Amsterdam

From human resource management to talent management in 21st century universities

HUMANE Spring Seminar
March 28-29, 2019
Hosted by the University of Amsterdam

Farewell HR, hello people!

How is your human resources division meeting the challenge to reinvent itself as your institution seeks greater alignment with an ever more competitive operating environment?

Individual institution’s responses to this challenge are context specific, but the adoption of talent management principles has been at the core of many of these new approaches to HR.

What can we learn from recent research into the relationship between talent management and an organisation’s business strategy?

And what has been the experience of other knowledge intensive industry sectors who have travelled this road before universities?

Our seminar will focus on these issues as well as case studies of Organisation Development, new models of Performance Development and the relationship between a talent management philosophy, employee engagement and achieving cultural change.

With contributions from expert speakers as well as representatives of HUMANE member institutions, the seminar will also feature practical workshops enabling participants to access take-away lessons to be implemented in their home institutions. HR Directors, Organisation Development Directors and other senior HR and OD professionals, as well as HUMANE members will all benefit from attending this seminar. Click here for the programme.

Click here for more information and register now to secure your place at what promises to be a thought provoking and interactive seminar.

The seminar will be held from midday Thursday 28 to midday Friday 29 March, allowing participants to travel home for the weekend, or stay over for the weekend in Amsterdam.

Register now to secure your place.

Steering HUMANE's growth and impact - be a part of our future


Call for expressions of interest

HUMANE’s annual programme has expanded significantly to embrace new leadership and professional development events which have proven to be highly popular with our members.

The expansion of our residential schools held in Barcelona, Berlin and Hong Kong, has been overseen by a small, but highly effective steering group. We believe there is an opportunity to achieve the same growth of our fledgling Professional Pathways Programmes and our long standing Annual Conference.

We are therefore inviting members to express interest in being a member or chair of steering committees to guide the future development of these HUMANE programmes.

Who can submit expressions of interest?

Senior staff from all institutional membership categories are welcome to submit expressions of interest. ‘Senior staff' refers to either the institutional representative, normally the head of administration or equivalent, or another senior member of staff, normally a past participant of a HUMANE residential programme.

What will membership of a steering committee involve?

Taking a lead from existing steering committees, these new groups will meet in person once or twice each year, as well as hold Skype/Zoom or telephone conference calls. Their primary purpose is to create a growth agenda and steer its implementation. The modus operandi is collegial and informal, but with a focus on achieving results. The committee will conduct its business in English.

Face to face meetings will be timed to enable the chairs of the new committees to attend HUMANE’s Executive Committee meetings to report progress.

We want to create two steering committees in the first instance, one for the expansion of the Annual Conference and the other to guide the future development of Professional Pathways Programmes.

How should I apply?

In addition to submitting a summary one-page CV, all that is required is:

  • a covering letter, which may be in the form of an email message, outlining what you think you would bring to a steering committee;
  • your preferences in terms of specific committee membership;
  • and whether or not you would like to be considered as a potential committee chair.

If you are interested in a chairing role, you may wish to outline briefly your thoughts on the committee’s potential future agenda.

All Expressions of interest should be emailed to Tim Evans in the secretariat at contact(at) by close of business on Friday February 8, 2019.

How will committee membership be decided?

The Executive Committee of HUMANE will review and manage the expressions of interest process, including any follow up phone calls. Depending on the volume of expressions of interest received, the Executive Committee will do its best to accommodate members’ interests and preferences, if not immediately then in the near future when additional steering committees/working groups will be created.

To conclude

Our mission is to be Europe’s leading international network for higher education professionals by providing forums and platforms for international networking, showcasing innovation and providing professional development for our members and their senior staff.

Members of these new committees will have the opportunity to help shape our Association’s future growth, optimising its impact for the benefit of our members and higher education more generally.

Adapt or die: the power of the generalist in a changing HE landscape - HUMANE Professional Pathways at the University of Edinburgh, February 25-26

Generalist Administrators

Adapt or die: the power of the generalist in a changing HE landscape

Hosted by the University of Edinburgh, February 25-26
Register now to secure your place

Final programme announced

All European universities are developing strategies to deal with profound, transformational changes in society. Those that understand emerging trends and adapt to them will prosper and those that don't will struggle. Evolution theory suggests that this should favour those who are more adaptable, rather than those who are necessarily stronger. Will this be true of generalist university administrators?

This highly interactive professional pathways programme will be of particular interest to ambitious generalists such as: academic registrars and directors of academic services, faculty and school managers, student service managers, institutional planners, and senior governance officers and their staff.

The programme begins by posing big questions: how will our universities evolve in the decades ahead? And how can we best adapt to the megatrends sweeping across the HE landscape?

The following sessions will focus more on how these changes play out in institutional settings, as well as the implications for generalist administrators. Where will opportunities emerge for talented generalists with the right portfolio of knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience? How can they best equip themselves to deal successfully with the major challenges that lie ahead? Why are some universities recruiting some of their most senior professional staff from other sectors.

The programme has been designed to be highly interactive with a good balance of intensive small group work along with more traditional presentations. Helping participants to prepare personal career development action plans will be a major feature of the programme.

The programme is on the 25-26 February 2019, with delegates arriving on the evening of the 24th for an informal team drinks reception.

Register now to secure your place.
