Developing the leadership potential of Asia-Pacific and European leaders and managers
Hosted by the University of Hong Kong
October 7-12, 2018
Against a background of the world’s economic centre of gravity shifting to the east, HUMANE and EFMD is pleased to announce the second edition of their Asia-Pacific School, “Managing international strategic partnerships in higher education". HUMANE and EFMD along with our host, the University of Hong Kong, look forward to welcoming participants on October 7-12, 2018.
The Asia-Pacific School programme offers a unique professional development opportunity for mid-career professional staff working in international offices, international student recruitment and marketing, strategy and planning offices, and other institutional units responsible for managing strategic institutional relationships and alliances.
Further information about the School is available in our brochure, or visit our website here for information about the application process, the host institution and the detailed contents of the programme and speakers.
As a one week residential programme, the School is conducted as an intensive, dynamic, experiential learning opportunity, organised around practical case-based teamwork in multi-national and cultural teams.
Participants learn about new models of strategic engagement and partnership between European and Asia-Pacific region institutions and the leadership challenges and opportunities these models present.
The programme provides the opportunity for participants to critically analyse case studies of European/Asia-Pacific region institutional engagement, based on the candid appraisals of senior staff from the case study institutions.
And the intensive teamwork dimension of the programme ensures that all participants have plenty of practical opportunities to further develop their leadership skills as well as develop their international professional networks.
The HUMANE-EFMD Asia Pacific School presents a fantastic opportunity for your senior staff to learn from leading experts and practitioners, share with peers and develop international networks.
The online application is now open.
Please fill in the online application form, where applicants will be asked to submit:
- A one-page statement describing the applicant's professional interests and qualifications
- A one- (or maximum two-) page curriculum vitae
- A letter of support from the head of administration or an equivalent senior manager.
For further information contact the Schools Coordinator Cécilia Heidelberger, or visit the HUMANE website.